Having trouble finding the easiest and inexpensive way to promote your restaurant? Well, here it is at your fingertips. That’s right! The easiest and least expensive way of promoting your restaurant is available at your fingertips, i.e., social media marketing for restaurants. The social media you use to connect with your friends and family can serve as a great way to promote and market your restaurant and bring more customers. Through hashtags, content creation, and tagged location, you can increase your revenue by attracting more customers. According to a recent study,67% of restaurants use social media as a way of promotion.
Here are some of the ways to promote your restaurant through social media:
Ways To Promote Your Restaurant
Create a Facebook page
If you are thinking of promoting your restaurant on social media, you must have a Facebook business page of your restaurant. Facebook is considered to be the most widespread social media platform. While posting on Facebook, including videos or pictures of your restaurant, use creative Facebook posts for restaurants like show your chef in action, introduce your team with your customers, and most importantly, share your customer feedback.
Google unified resources make it easier for customers to leave reviews, feedback, pictures and browse the latest hotspots. Make sure to upload high-quality pictures of your restaurant. Be consistent and use interesting Content to attract new customers.
Share and Promote Videos on Youtube
Make a Youtube page for your restaurant. Make sure you use the same heading photos, so it matches your other social media pages.
Here are some of the videos you can post on youtube:
● Cooking recipes
● Chef highlights
● Interview with your customer- ask them about your restaurant and food.
● Cooking tips
The videos you posted on youtube will be visible on your google+ page. Post it on every social media platform. It is a great restaurant promotion idea during covid.
Be an Insta-Ham
Having an active Instagram page is a great way of promoting your restaurant, as today’s youth is always active on Instagram. Use Instagram to promote your choicest visual Content. Upload photos and videos of your restaurant and let your customers upload their favorite items. Make sure to use some fun hashtags. Hashtags are a great way to have fun with your customers. You can also use the feature of Instagram stories and Instagram reelsto attract more audience.
User-Generated Content is a great way to engage with customers more personally. Host a photo contest on social media platforms- ask them to share the picture of their best meal and award the best picture with some prize. Promoting and Hosting user-generated Content shows your audience that you appreciate them and helps in turning infrequent visitors into frequent visitors.
Start Blogging
Starting blogging can be a difficult task, but it has great benefits in promoting your restaurant. Blog about anything related to your restaurant. Share pictures, facts, success, stories of your restaurant, link every social media platform you have in the blog. Write content keeping in mind your audience. Observe what they want and then write about it. Be consistent with blogging to increase your customers.
Social media is always changing, but you’ve just learned some social media marketing for restaurants. It’s essential to be as creative as possible when marketing your business. Don’t be scared to test the ideas and Content for promoting your restaurant and get to know what type of Content your customer enjoys. Promoting a restaurant requires a lot of skills and especially promoting them outside the kitchen. You can contact the best marketing agency in Delhito help you in promoting your restaurant on social media.