What I cherish about books is that they condense a lifetime of experiences into a brief read. While I’m not an author and don’t claim to have a lifetime of wisdom, I aspire to impart my decade long journey as an entrepreneur in just 10 minutes.
1. Never Give Up:
Life seems to reward those who persevere, providing a universal push that aligns with their experience. Experience never lets you down. Think back to your first day of driving, unsure of how to handle the car, compared to now, when you can drive seamlessly without consciously thinking about the brake or accelerator.
2. Focus on What Truly Matters:
Setbacks will come, and people might disappoint. But remember, the past is behind; the future, a canvas waiting for your strokes. Let go of what drains you.
3. Clients & Employees:
Both are pillars of your success. But when conflicts arise, stand by your team. They are your backbone.
4. The Power of Will:
Where there’s will, paths emerge. The strength of your desire determines the doors that open.
5. Learn Quickly, Unlearn Steadily:
Our world keeps changing so fast, unless you are willing to keep yourself updated with whatever is new, you will be outdated before you realize and a newbie graduate will be more relevant than you.
6. Your Influence:
our mood sets the tone. Aim to inspire and uplift those around you. Let your happiness be infectious.
7. Trust Wholeheartedly:
Believe in the innate goodness of people. If they don’t reciprocate, refer back to Point #2 focusing on what truly matters.
8. Ambition Over Greed:
The distinction between greed and ambition is subtle. While figures like Steve Jobs might advise, “Stay hungry, stay foolish,” it’s your mindset that determines whether you’re driven by greed or ambition. This mindset shapes how you tackle challenges and is subtly conveyed to both your team and your clients.
9. Silva Centering Exercise:
The mind directs the brain, and the brain leads the body. I’m sharing this because it profoundly impacted me. While I wish I could explain more, it’s something you’ll understand if it’s meant for you. It’s akin to discovering a rare coin on the road; I can share my experience, but I can’t guarantee you’ll have the same fortune.
10. Legacy and Transience:
Everything has an end, including us. While ambition drives us, remember to give back. Share knowledge, help others, and cherish every moment.